25 July 2012

Wednesday 25th July 2012

I have my tasks ready for Leeda and Ersilia, but I have an ethical conflict. I read yesterday another chapter of Adriana Cavarero. I realized there is no way I can read things in the order they are given to me, I instantly reorganize information according to... my needs? However, I found the striking moment on page 50. Now I read it and it makes no sense when I isolate the information. I need what comes before that fragment in order to make a sense out of it. When I read it last night I asked myself: How can I ask/ and recover each corporeal history? Now I wonder how should I ask things and what tasks  can I give in order to see the particularities of each moving body/being?? Is this an epistemological questions? If I ask the "wrong" questions, will I have the wrong answers?? This leads me to contemplate my preconceptions and expectations... Everything will be fine!!! It is about exploration... there is no right or wrong... change and uncertainty is a sweet and delightful  space/stage to inhabit... The ethical issue is still present: I do not want to see movement, I want to experience their moving bodies.... Marielys

Today was really amazing for me to see what other dancers could do following my tasks, I notice some moves that conveyed a specific mood (like disappointment for ex) and how much somethings related ansd some other were completely different.  However I deceided I will focus more on my moving, egotistic as that may sound. This is me now/here ..In Mariely's task iIfelt like a reptile, tension of the mouth goes to the hands as well and couldn't  be isolated.